The modern world is rapidly changing and it is often necessary to be ready to change and adapt to take advantage of it, in all areas. The world of work, in particular, is constantly evolving and the most interesting opportunities involve reacting quickly to take advantage of them.

In this context, we can wonder about the place left to pleasure, contemplation, discovery, or travel. How can we manage to combine what is more than ever necessary to flourish in a world that is passing by at 2000 km/h and at the same time be able to take the time to enjoy places and moments that will mark your memory forever? This seemingly unsolvable problem has solutions to explore, which we will address in this article.

First example: linking work and travel

This is the Holy Grail that many people try to achieve, but don’t necessarily succeed. Let’s face it, the task is not easy and even if you like to travel, it is often difficult to find an activity to satisfy what is often almost a need. Of course, there are a few professions that can help you get closer to that. The example of travel nanny jobs with Householdstaff in particular, by offering to take care of children on trips and family vacations, is a relevant option for all those who only imagine their professional life in travel.

Typically, this type of assignment will allow you to evolve naturally in a new environment, usually far from home, allowing you to discover a new country and culture while working. 
Similarly, what are now called mobile workers choose to live and work in the country of their choice. Since they have no logistical needs other than a computer and an internet connection, they enjoy the same benefits.

Other professions can give the feeling of allowing this alliance between travel and work, such as flight attendant, steward or airline pilot, but this is less and less true. Indeed, today, few stopovers allow to go beyond the airports and it is therefore difficult to really enjoy the place where the plane lands. 

A second way to consider: make your passion your job

After talking about jobs that allow you to practice your passion in parallel, we can talk about jobs that are a passion, or how to earn a living by simply doing what you love to do. In this case, the feeling of working is rarely felt by those who are lucky enough to join it. Again, a real nirvana to reach, but not impossible and we will see.

The first thought is to think of professional artists. To practice one’s art, whether it be dancing, performing, painting or any other form of artistic expression, and to be able to make a living at it is one of the most satisfying feelings there is. 
In a similar category are the artisans: many of them practice an activity that they cherish and are able to make a living from it. This is the case for many cabinetmakers, carpenters, tailors, and so many other professions. Of course, as for all the professions and configurations already mentioned, everything depends on the desires and interests of each person for such or such practice. 

Make your profession your passion: reverse the established patterns of thought

What if, in the end, the truth was elsewhere? What if, in the end, this profession that we find so difficult to choose, this path that is so difficult to determine, was finally the one that would give us the most pleasure? It is perhaps not so complicated to imagine. After all, isn’t the discovery of a new universe, the antipodes of what we could imagine before, the most exciting thing? Integrating a new apprenticeship, embracing a new profession with its knowledge, practices and methods, isn’t it an opening to the world and a pleasant challenge to take up? Chance is sometimes the only force capable of transforming nothing into everything. To throw oneself headlong into a path of which one knows nothing and without any particular attraction (or rejection, of course), is also a way of facing the new in its purest expression. 
So many people declare that they take real pleasure in their work every day, that it is appropriate to consider that it can be done in this way. But in order to blossom, one must be at the service of others, as in the care and personal services professions. We can also think of the professions of creation, of making things with one’s own hands. 

There are many ways to create a perfect symbiosis between work and passion. Naturally, the clearer and more precise the ideas about passion and work are, the easier it is to make the connection between the two. But this is not always the case and it is during the experience that passion in work or work in passion is sometimes revealed. Reflection will inevitably be necessary and the path will not always be obvious, but it’s worth it: finding pleasure in one’s work is a goal that everyone should succeed in giving themselves.